Since we have now begun our approach to the final leg of this journey, I have started to pack. Yes, pack. Why you ask? Because I had no idea how much stuff that I would want to take!! All the gifts for guides, foster parents, for Director Lu. Julia's things...clothes, snacks, toys, the ladybug backpack for Gotcha Day. I have my LL Bean bathroom bag STUFFED full of all kinds of medicines, potions, lotions and pills that we may need for the trip. I need to recheck what the dimentions are for luggage and for weight limits. Ugh, this could be the typical Melissa pack job, OVERWEIGHT. (No pun intended!) Right now I have an entire suitcase full of stuff to take. Wayne is going to have to pack super light! Hahaha! I also have packed a collapsable duffle/suitcase for all the souvenirs that I want to bring back. I just know that everyone is gonna love their Christmas presents from China. :-) So as for the waiting...we are now day 51. I am so hoping for a less than 70 day wait. I sure would like to be in China for Thanksgiving. Peking Duck and tea for my holiday dinner, please. I am sad when I think of leaving the kids for 2 weeks. yikes. What is Anna going to do? Well, she will have her Grammy Darlene and Poppa Bill. Speaking of Poppa Bill, he had surgery today to fix his foot. I sure hope all is well. I haven't heard anything yet. Cam I don't think is too worried about us going. I need to find out when elementary basketball starts. He wants to play again. I'm researching phone cards and cell phone rentals for the trip. Wayne will need a cell for work and I think it's just a good idea to have one incase something happens to the kids.
So...let's summerize where we are at. Still no idea of when we will travel. Travel approvals have been coming any time after about the 60 day mark. Let's hope and pray that is the case for us as well. Our visas should be back next week, around Wednesday. YAY! Yet another step closer. I will keep everyone updated on the progress and once we pick a website to host our travel journal I will send that along as well. Take care!!