Thursday, January 31, 2008

I WON! I WON!! I WON!!! I WON!!!!

Won what??? Well, remember that Exceptional Parent thing I got nominated for?
Welllll..... I WON!!! I freakin' WON!!
I am now the Michigan Council for Exceptional Children, Exceptional Parent of the year for 2008!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! There's a small reception the day after I get home from New Orleans. Wow. I am soooo excited and in shock. In the words of Sally Fields...They like me, they really really like me!! ;-)

The day after the storm

Picture of the trees in the north part of the yard.

Another view of tree covered in snow.

Mom's picture of Julia while waiting for the bus.

Julia's picture of mom while waiting for the bus. :-)

Julia's feet.

A classic Mom and Julia goofy picture.

Last but not least is a new picture of Oliver. Who happened to get caught eating Riley poo today. He's now in doggie jail for that offense. UGH! It's not like he's starving, he's eat good! What a maroon!