Sunday, July 30, 2006

No explanation needed.... Posted by Picasa

Cameron and Daddy Posted by Picasa

Kristen and Julia Posted by Picasa

4 really cute kids!!! Posted by Picasa

Another Wagner family pic...see anyone you know? Posted by Picasa

Rusty up on the log Posted by Picasa

Inside the Mill Posted by Picasa

Everyone watching the saw cut wood Posted by Picasa

The sky before it got werid...see below pic Posted by Picasa

A super spooky sky that never did rain on us! Posted by Picasa

Anna waiting to pet a pelt Posted by Picasa

Gary...a super cool guy who talked about animals that are in the parks. I think he'd make a perfect date for my sister Samantha! ;-) Posted by Picasa

a view of Mill Creek Posted by Picasa

Uncle Jeff, Anna and Matthew Posted by Picasa

raspberry picture Posted by Picasa

Samantha, can you tell me what kind of flowers these are? Posted by Picasa

Cool flowers at the Mill Posted by Picasa

A lower laker in front of the fort Posted by Picasa

This is what a Dairy Queen looks like when the Wagner family invades!!!! Posted by Picasa

Along side the bridge...near the fort Posted by Picasa

The underside of the bridge Posted by Picasa

Happy sisters! Posted by Picasa

Cameron giving me the "I'm really tired of looking at stuff" face Posted by Picasa

A cool flower picture Posted by Picasa

part of the dig they are doing at the fort Posted by Picasa