Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Almost forgot!!

I wanted to mention that I got accepted to present at the National EHDI (Early Hearing Detection and Intervention) conference in New Orleans!! It's Feb 25th-26th and I couldn't be more excited! There's a amazing woman named Janet DesGeorges who has a daughter who is hard of hearing, like Anna. Janet is Hands & Voices Outreach Director Executive Director, Colorado Families for Hands & Voices. Here's her bio. We've known each other since I think 2002 when I first presented for EHDI in Washington, D.C. and have always talked of getting together to present. Well, we're now getting our chance. We will be talking about our kids with mild/moderate hearing loss and what they need or how their challenges are different. Janet is really my idol and I hope to accomplish what she has with her daughter and what she's managed to do from "just being a parent"!! Just a shame we're going to miss Mardi Gras!!

I found the coolest charms. The are EARS! Yep. An ear shaped charm! I made a bracelet tonight with one of them, what do you think?

2 years ago today....

We arrived home with Julia. We were also faced with the terrible news that Wayne's dad had passed away due to complications due to surgery. He never got to meet Julia. Grandpa George was an incredible man and I know how proud he was of Wayne for stepping outside the normal ways of adding to our family by choosing to adopt. Peach (our nickname for him) was always telling his friends about our upcoming trip to China. We had thought about postponing the the trip til after his surgery, but he insisted that we go as soon as we could. I have an email that Cindy sent me saying that Dad had seen our blog and that he thought Julia was too cute. In 2 years, I haven't been able to delete that email.

So today is a what I call a rollercoaster day. Extreme highs with the thought of Julia coming home and extreme lows when I think of losing Wayne's dad.