Sunday, October 30, 2005

Momma, are you coming to get me?? I can't wait to see you!! Posted by Picasa

Riley says, "Come play in the snow with me!" Posted by Picasa

Sherman says, "Can't wait to give you a slurpy kiss, Julia!" Posted by Picasa

Dad and Anna would climb the tallest lighthouse to bring Julia home! Posted by Picasa

This adoptin' momma is tired of waiting, I want to go to China now!! Posted by Picasa

We're the proud new GREAT-grandparents!!  Posted by Picasa

Hi, I'm Anna and I can't wait to have my sister here! Hurry up Julia! Posted by Picasa

Is she here yet? I want my baby sister! Posted by Picasa

Still waiting...

As you can tell by the title, we are still waiting to hear about our TA (travel approval). Michelle and Randy got their last Thursday. I was bummed. More like down right depressed. I cried and yelled. After the small tantrum I realized there is no rhyme or reason for why people get their travel approvals. It's just we had planned on all going together. Ah well. Melissa and Larry B. haven't got their TA either and we really hope we get to the White Swan together. I will post links of 2 of the hotels that we are thinking we will be at. I'm not sure of the one in Beijing yet. I do know that I want to stay at the Wuhan Mayflower Hotel. Michelle stayed here and loved it. It seems nice. I can't get a link to work, so I will wait to post pictures later. :-)

As for being in Guangzhou (gwan-joe), we will be at the White Swan. It's where most adoptive families stay on their way out of China after the Embassy appointments. Here's the link for the White Swan:

So....we sit and wait to hear from Ming on Monday. Let's hope and pray that we get the word this week! :-)