Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Another avenue... my niece Kate wanted me to make keychains for her externs that she works with. This is what I came up with. Don't everyone rush at once to have me make these, as I haven't prefected my technique yet. But...I thought it turned out great. :~)

Anna's Christmas program and misc pics

Is it wrong to have your Chinese daughter to make Chinese eyes at you? She was doing this all night long. (Um to clarify, we've NEVER done the "eye thing" to her....)

Julia and a VERY tired mommy...

Julia and Samantha's boyfriend Jonathan

Anna and some friends from school

Anna and her friends Rikesha and Elexus

This is a heart focal bead that I'm going to make a necklace out of. It's called Chinese Bloodstone and I think it's super cool. :-)