Thursday, February 7, 2008

2008 CNY dinner with the Brooks family

For Julia...

It's Mulan and Kai-Lan day on TV for Julia, here's 2 pictures of her favorites!

The Storm: Part 2 and Happy Chinese New Year!

So I posted those pictures of the snow yesterday that most of my friends further south said looked pretty. Well. Last night around 11:00pm when I went to let the dogs out, imagine my surprise to find snow drifts that were 2ft tall in some spot in the driveway. I was really shocked. I grabbed the camera and took some more pictures. Needless to say there is NO SCHOOL again today.

On the bright's the beginning of the Chinese New Year celebration! YAY! We are headed to Holland (funny place to celebrate CNY!) to eat at a resturaunt that has an amazing spread of food, dancers and music. My kids are soooooooooo excited!! I will have pictures tomorrow.'s the small video clips that I took last night when I let the dogs out :-)