Friday, October 24, 2008

I'm so not an Idol fan...but....

I have to admit...I've never watched an episode of American Idol. I'm not a giant fan of their format (no debating this, it's just my opinion! LOL!)...ANYWAYS, I heard a song on the radio earlier and was like, "Hey, I like this song...wonder who it is?"'s a cutie named David Archuleta. Well, damn. He's good! I love his song, "Crush". Go figure. Cam rolled his eyes at me like I should have know who he was. I suddenly felt outta touch. EEEK!

My new bag lady! Greenwillow Crafts

While searching Etsy for any number of recent things, I came across a SUPER nice lady who makes bag. These oh-so-tiny mini bags for the girls to give their friends presents in (a pair of hair clippies is going to fit just right!). I also purchased 2 bigger bags that are made out of the cutest Chinese (or Japanese) paper doll material. I'm soooo excited! Here's a link to Ann's Etsy Shop. She is super nice to work with and got my bags VERY QUICK! Anyways, I'm just thrilled to support another fellow crafter. :-) Oh yeah, she's from a little town outside of Raleigh called Wendell.