Friday, April 13, 2007

Easter pictures

Here are my favorite Easter pictures of the kids. I love the one of Anna and Julia together. Just a quick plug for the bows. They are from my girlfriend, Tonni. She custom made these for us. I had sent her the headbands that had the printed bows and she turned them into the gorgeous barrettes you see here.

Interesting cartoon

The Muskegon Chronicle ran this cartoon and I really liked it. But, not from the standpoint that you're probably thinking. I looked it at from my adoptive parent view...That here we are, the "Fast Food Society" wanting things to go fast, be totally easy and well, wanting it our way. Here's stands China, the giant in charge of the adoption process, not so willing to submit to our demands (and I agree that they shouldn''s a PRIVILEGE, not a right to adopt their beautiful children.)