How stupid is that? TLC (The Learning Channel) has a new show...some dude is going to help people lose weight. Shit. No one can DO IT FOR YOU. You have to want it, be committed and stick with it. Yeah. It's hard. It down right sucks sometimes. (Oh, I think I'm qualified to comment on this topic, btw.) I've never said I'm on a diet. Christ on a cracker, if you look at it that way, you'll be on a DIET TIL YOU DIE. I made a life style change. No snacks, No soda, More exercise. Now, I snack on ocassion, I drink sodas from time to time. You have to, to keep your sanity. But, for me...I had to do something radical. Just as an FYI, for those that are keeping track...I haven't lost anything since the last time I posted about my weight. LOL! Winter blahs and being sick has kept my sprirts low. I'm still upbeat and thrilled to be where I am now though. :-)
Off my soapbox.....