At 8:41pm, on September 8th, 1997...a baby boy changed my world forever. Prior to Cam's birth, September 8th had been a rough day for the Wagner family. Wayne's mom passed away on that date in 1993. Fours years later, it was a day to celebrate. Cameron was 8lbs 10.5oz, 20 inches long and had TONS of black hair. He was healthy, had all 10 fingers and toes, and looked just like Grandpa George Wagner. Cam arrived via C-section which he likes to brag about. (Not sure he really knows what it means other than I have a giant scar!) He also likes to brag that he was named after a character from a movie.
Cameron is a great kid. He loves sports, animals, playing video games, and riding his quad. He's sensitive and caring, he thinks of others before himself (excepted when it comes to his sisters), he's giving and loves to fundraise and donate to worthy causes. I enjoy spending alone time with him. Wayne and I got really lucky with this kiddo. :-)