Thursday, February 16, 2006

Julia with her doggie, Riley and Sherman Posted by Picasa

Up close and personal with Julia Posted by Picasa

The really cool dragons that they made in Cameron's class Posted by Picasa

Julia in her traditional Chinese dress Posted by Picasa

Cameron and Julia at school Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, February 8, 2006

New pictures of the kids

Here are a few of the pictures we had taken at Sears last week. I think they all turned out really good. Anna is just too cute in the one pose. Julia looks super cute with her sprouts. Cameron is looking sooooo grown-up. I can't believe that's my little baby! :-)

Enjoy the pictures!

There's my big man, Cameron! Posted by Picasa

This one is my favorite. Posted by Picasa

Yes, they are too cute for words! Posted by Picasa

Anna Elizabeth looking as adorable as ever! Posted by Picasa

The Wagner kids Posted by Picasa

Here's our little sprout girl! Posted by Picasa

Thursday, February 2, 2006

Happy Belated Chinese New Year and Groundhog's Day!

I had forgot to post about our Chinese New Year dinner with the Brooks family and the Dykema family. We went to a really neat Chinese place in Holland for dinner. The buffet was HUGE! Bigger than I had ever seen! Lots of great food and a ton of traditional new year's dishes. There were 16 of us all together and it was very loud! There were lion dancers performing at the restaurant. Julia, Avery and Isaac really seemed to enjoy it. I have no idea if any of them recall last year's new year celebrations. 2006 is the year of the Dog. Lucky for us, we have 2 pooches in the house already. I did give them special treats on Sunday which was the start of the new year. After dinner we headed back to the Dykema's for dessert and some play time for the kids. All of the kids got along very well. I'm hoping to get some pictures from Brion or Michelle, because I FORGOT my camera. BLAH!

I posted some pictures of Julia's ears. It came to my attention that some of my family didn't have any idea that Julia was a special needs kid. Well, not that she really has any "handicaps" per say, but they had no idea that she had a different ear. We have an appointment later in March with our audiologist and ENT (the same docs that see Anna). That will start all the testing that Julia will have to endure. Hearing tests aren't hurtful, they just take time to be accurate. I'm sure we will end up at U of M for an MRI. We both want to know if she has the inner workings to hear out of that ear. I think that she does, but we won't know for sure till the MRI.

Well, I've got to get Julia down for a nap, she's been up since 6am. ~hugs~

Happy Girl! Posted by Picasa

Julia loves Anna's purple fuzzy chair Posted by Picasa

Riding snowmobiles, it sure was bright out! Posted by Picasa

Cold camera! It's a little foggy! Posted by Picasa

Julia's left ear, only problem we can see is the extra little node at the left of ear. Posted by Picasa

Julia's little ear Posted by Picasa