Thursday, August 4, 2005

They made it Chicago

According to Fed-Ex tracking, our documents arrived at 12:08pm. YAY!! So now they will spend 5-7 days there getting authenicated. Once they are finished, they will arrive back at AAI's office in Jenison, Michelle will get our dossier ready and it will be sent out. Another YAY!

I'm off for back later!!


Anonymous said...

I must say everyone I talk to about this process has been VERY impressed with how everything has gone or should I say the all the work it takes to adopt a baby. Once again, good job Melissa, you did a terrific job and getting everything ready for your new daughter, Julie Renee (I just love that name!). Love you lots and now I'm counting the days until you all arrive for the Sept. vacation and am already planning for a visit to Michigan to meet my new neice. Love you lots!

Anonymous said...

Oops - Sorry Julia, guess I'm just excited about the Renee middle name (hmmm... I wonder why).