Here is Gabby and her dad Eric (who was my favorite character PATRICK STAR!!)
Julia's picture of me (I hate this angle, make my face look HUGE!)
This is Damien and Cameron before their parties started!
This is Destinee, she's been in Cam's class before. She's the sweetest girl and I love talking with her.
This is Mr. Hansen and Cam. He's Cam's science and math teacher (and a Michigan State fan!!)
This is Mr. Porter. He's a 3rd grade teacher and I just loved the wig. He's a super cool guy too!!
This is Cam and his teacher from last year, Mrs. Dahringer. Her and I share a love for reading and Harry Potter books. I can't wait for Anna to get into her room next year!!
Julia and her boyfriend (aka Poppa Bill!)
Grammy Darlene and "her girls"!!
Well, I hope that all my readers (aka friends and family!) had a SPOOKTACULAR Halloween yesterday. It was like that movie Groundhog's Day for me. I started the day with Julia's party, which went into Cam's party. Thank God my sister, Theresa took yesterday off to help me. She attended Anna's party in my place. Once school was over we had a small break and then it was off for trick-o-treating. The kids had a semi-good time. Anna had a meltdown over her fake fingernails, Cam got crabby about leaving Aunt Von's house and Julia just wanted to eat all of her candy. :-) So now it's on to the next holiday!!!!!!!!
Remember when Julia didn't like chocolate? Don't blame Anna for being upset over her nails, I mean you can't have one broken nail Mom! So what hold did Lavonne have on Cameron? Thanks for the Halloween pictures. Enjoyed looking at my favorite family!
Poor Mr. Hansen.
At Auntie Von's house there's a Playstation and her grandson Andrew to play with! Cam would rather hang out with Andrew than to go trick-o-treating. Imagine that!
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