Tuesday, January 22, 2008

How great

Picture this: It's a beautiful Tuesday afternoon, about 6 inches of fresh powder snow has fallen. The sky is a bright blue with big, puffy white clouds and the sunny is shining. It's breathtaking. But it's FREEZING and I don't care to walk out to the mailbox (eh, call me lazy). I fire up the van, pull out of the garage to head to mailbox. I get the mail, start to pull back up (there's a small incline) and I get stuck. Slippin', slidin'...not going anywhere. My iPod is running and the song that comes on is "How great is our God" by Chris Tomlin. Here I sit, stuck in my own driveway, no coat, freezing to death and I realized how lucky I am to just be here. It's a wonderful day regardless of the cold. Being stuck is a minor inconvenience. However, I did get unstuck and managed to get back in the house before I became a Popsicle. I'm just glad no one saw me outside in my "I'm doing laundry clothes and the I don't give a rat's hiney about my hair" look today. :-)


Anonymous said...

Melissa, that is too funny. I can just see you stuck in your driveway and the kids laughing inside the house (isn't school out today due to the snow?). Glad you got out and I hope the mail was worth it:-)

PS: Turn the heat on in the van before you head out to get the mail.

Mom to 5...Daughter of the King said...

Oh no! Good music makes everythng a bit better. that song speaks to me! Do you have heated seats?? OH, I look like that 6 days a week!!

Dawn said...

Oh my, see I told you snow was good for nothin!! Glad you got inside before becoming a popcicle...oh and that laundry, its STILL sitting in the dryer LOL!!

Mom to 5...Daughter of the King said...

guess what I put on my new ipod today????

Melissa said...

LOL! Downloading songs is another of my baaaad habits! I hear something on tv or on the radio, and just have to have it!! ;-)