Thursday, January 31, 2008

I WON! I WON!! I WON!!! I WON!!!!

Won what??? Well, remember that Exceptional Parent thing I got nominated for?
Welllll..... I WON!!! I freakin' WON!!
I am now the Michigan Council for Exceptional Children, Exceptional Parent of the year for 2008!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! There's a small reception the day after I get home from New Orleans. Wow. I am soooo excited and in shock. In the words of Sally Fields...They like me, they really really like me!! ;-)


Dawn said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That is AWESOME, you sooooooo deserve it!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Melissa said...

OMG!!! You ROCK michigan parenting! Many, many, mucho congratulatory hugs!!!!

Mom to 5...Daughter of the King said...

Yippeeeee!! You so deserve this!!!!! I am so excited for you!!!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Melissa. I'm so proud of you (and I just knew you would win). We love you, we really, really love you!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations!!! That is so cool!!

Our 7 Blessings from God said...

Congratulations, Melissa!! This is wonderful news and very well deserved:)
late aug dtc mommy

Unknown said...

That is so exciting! We have not met but I came by due to the Bloggy giveaway...then I saw the title of your blog and I knew...we just got home from China in June!! This sounds like a huge honor for you and since I know some of the ups and downs you have gone through thus far, well, I imagine it is well deserved! Congrats and good luck with your adoption!! Stop by our blog any time for a slice of our good times. :)

Unknown said...

Duh! If I would have just read the header! Well congrats none the less!!!