Monday, February 11, 2008

School Board Meeting

The principal at the kids school called me last weekend and invited me to the school board meeting that was held tonight. So Anna and I go. There was NO HEAT in the gym. Brrrrr!! It was -8 outside. We joked about finding another way to save money other than cutting the heat! Anyways, so Randy (the principal) gave a little background to why I was there and told the board about my award. Randy turned it over to me and I gave them some more info about what I'm involved in. It was pretty cool. It was nothing super special, but it was great to be recognized for my hard work. :-)

Oh yeah...2 weeks from today I will be hanging out in New Orleans...I CAN'T WAIT!!! Woot Woot!


Anonymous said...

Too cool (in more ways than one). How many people can just give an "over-view" at the last moment? Two weeks you'll be having some gumbo huh? Hope you have fun.

Dawn said...


I'm glad you are getting the recognition you deserve!!!! You go girl!

I'm serious about wanting those pictures of sunshine, this has been the longest winter, I want to see SUN!!!!!!!!! (you can keep the gumbo, ick)

Mom to 5...Daughter of the King said...

That's awesome, Melissa!