Wednesday, February 13, 2008

What?! They get smaller too??

So to be brutally honest, I know that when a woman loses weight...all parts shrink. Today it finally hit me. I'm no long the voluptious 40C/D that I had so much enjoyed in my heavier weight days, but a shrinking violet in a 36B. Needless to say, I know they're just boobies. But...I will miss the old ones. LOL! I had a good chuckle with an older lady at Walmart today in the bra section. We were looking all the the clearance ones and she said, "I hate the wire ones but I gotta get something to keep these in place!" I thought I was going to die laughing.


Dawn said...

Oh my gosh, I can just see the two of you in Walmart, how funny! Thanks, I really needed a good chuckle today!!!

Anonymous said...

You are too funny. But guess what sweetie, you've just joined the club I've belonged to for my entire life! Its really not all that bad, you can fit into some things others can't. And hey, you've still got me beat, so quit complaining (ha-ha. Love you!!!

Mom to 5...Daughter of the King said...

I've plenty to spare if you need some!!

Anonymous said...

Don't worry-mine are gone too and I didn't have any to begin with. TOO LOL
