Monday, March 10, 2008

It's spring in Ludington...Dairy Queen as OPENED!

Hell on earth has arrived again in the form of ice cream. For my friends down south...our DQ closes from October to mid-March. I think the giant snowbanks have something to do with keeping the crowds down.'s now open and well, my love affair begins again. Me and Mr. Misty have a cherry-ice romance that's been going on since 1991. I love him, he doesn't make me fat, although he does stain my tongue red. Oh yeah...they're called "Artic Rush" now. Bah.


Mom to 5...Daughter of the King said...

Love Love Love DQ! We don't have one close by, thank Goc!! I love Blizzards, with Reece cups. Yum and no way (weigh?) are they lo cal. They have contributed to my need for WW!!!

Anonymous said...

We will have to get an some DQ when I'm home in May!!!!!

AA said...

Life without Dairy Queen? Can't imagine it. We, like every small town in Texas, have a very active Dairy Queen. It is almost the social hub of our town. Luckily it is owned and run by decent people so it is clean and good. I think I may have to go get a crispy chicken sald for lunch now. See, we actually eat the food,not just the ice cream.

Dawn said...

YIPEEE!!! I used to think our DQ was the only one that closed down because the owners went to FL for the winter but I guess not. When we moved to Podunk I was excited it was a braizer and stayed open all year long. Trust me we can get some pretty big drifts here as well and those days seem to be the busiest so I don't think thats the reason. I have a photo clipping from our paper a few years ago with snow flying everywhere and the sign on at the DQ said Blizzard sale....I kid you not!!

Anonymous said...

I want DQ!!!!!!

Unknown said...

One more stop to go to on Friday nights now

Melissa said...

Samantha, you know...that's what I was thinking. LOL!