Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Home opener for the Carolina Mudcats!

So, I've got a thing for the Mudcats...maybe it's the team's name. Maybe it's the fact that it's a little AA team in that plays in the middle of nowhere...Zebulon, North Carolina. Either way, since going to a game back in 2004, I've had a passion for them and keep up with games. Today is their home opener against the Montgomery Biscuits. (I kid you not!) So far they are 3-2. Yay!

1 comment:

Dawn said...

I'm kinda scared of that mascot in the first photo, I can vision small children runnning for their lives if that thing came into the stands! I wonder if all the good names were taken when those teams were formed??? (or maybe they are just the most PC names available)