Thursday, May 1, 2008

Anna and Julia's new room...and new flowers

We finally got the girl's room done. Anna and Julia love the bunk beds, I love the fact that Julia is no longer sleeping in our room! Anyways...
Also, here are a few pictures of my wide variety tulips. I planted some A LONG TIME AGO and these rogue ones keep coming up. Pretty cool.


Dawn said...

First off, I am soo jeallous you have flowers!!!!!!! We never planted any here (renters) but I get excited every year when tulips pop through the earth.......only to die before they bloom.. WHAHHHH!

Secondly, HOW COOL is their room!!!
I love it, congrats on getting Julia out of your room, I fear we have a few more YEARS of EmmaLi in ours. SIGH

Mom to 5...Daughter of the King said...

The room is sooo pretty! We are hoping to get bunk beds for Grace and Olivia soon.