Friday, May 9, 2008

My week, Anna's IEP, soccer, baseball and t-ball

I survived Teacher Appreciation Week 2008! And all I got was this lousy headache! Hahaha! Not really. It's finally over. I had a great time meeting and schmoozing with all the teachers. I knew that "Class Brown-Noser" award I got in high school would come in handy. ;-) Mason County Central has some awesome elementary (and hs) teachers. I feel very lucky to have the relationship with the kids' school. I stopped to drop off something to the Superintendant and he and I talked for well over an hour. I don't think that happens in very many districts. But Jeff (the supe) is a great guy and I like talking to him.

Oh yeah...the PTC asked if I would chair this project again next year (like, yeah!) and of course I will. It was a good time and I hope that I did the PTC proud.

In other news...We had Anna's IEP (Individualized Education Plan) this week. This is something that Anna has due to her hearing loss and ways to improve her performance (or to keep her from falling behind) in her general ed. classroom. Some parents don't want their children to be labeled or to have IEP's. Eh. Anna has a moderate hearing loss, of course there are issues for her. This is also the meeting were we confirm Anna's next year teacher (Yay! Mrs. Dahringer has agreed!) and she gets to check out the room. Wow. My baby girl is going to be in the upper elementary and in 3rd grade soon. Cam will be in 5th this fall and we're fairly certain that Julia will be in BK. I don't think that she's really ready for Kindergarten yet. We'll see. Either way, it will be so nice to have all 3 kids in only 2 buildings as opposed to 3 kids in 3 buildings. That sucked!!!!

Cam's team is 3-0. They are working really hard and doing great. I'm proud of all of the boys and they seem to have a good time playing together. Anna's team is a whole other story. We're 0-3 and struggling. But...they are also trying their best and having fun. I've got a fun group of kids but they are all fairly new and don't have many skills. The Purple Bullets are in a "rebuilding year" and hopefully we'll win at least one. :-)

Baseball and T-ball
Start Wednesday. DDDAAAMMMNNN. Anna's team needs a coach. Wayne is mulling that over. I hope he decides to do it. He'd be really good. 2 kids, 3 sports and one kid who isn't old enough to play anything yet.

I'm doomed. Yes, I'm a soccer coach/soccer mom....Yes, I'm a baseball/t-ball mom....Yes, I'm on the PTC and PAC...Who needs a career when you've got kids?

1 comment:

Dawn said...

Ok, I'm tired just READING all you've been up to! Girl I don't know how you keep up!

Kaitlyn has had an IEP in grade school (speech) and now has a 504 plan in HS because of her headaches, I personally am thankful there are such resources available to help my kiddo, I don't understand why some people don't want to have their child utilize anything and everything available to them. Crazy!