Friday, October 31, 2008

The Golden Leaves, Halloween and More Ladybugs

An autumn view from our yard....

Golden leaves

A view of Morton Rd

The corn field across from our house

Another view of Morton Rd this morning

Cam, Anna, Julia, Theresa and Wayne

A dead rat that Oliver (the dog) brought to me yesterday...Nice eh?

Julia and Jay's the scoop. Today I got an email from Kristi and Ian (the family that is in China and who took our photos to Director Lu). There is a picture from the Miller's but I need to ask them if it's ok to post it here first! This is what it said:
Hi Liz (and Melissa!),

(Liz if you could forward this on to Melissa somehow I can't find her address right now...)

Just wanted to let you guys know that your albums were delivered safe and sound. I gave them to the SWI assistant director Wang on Monday. Tuesday Director Lu surprised us by showing up for the adoption proceedings and he let us know that he had them. Yesterday (Thursday) on our visit he wanted to take a picture of us with the albums and the banner. The banner said something about wishing happy life for the children and their Chinese names are on it somewhere. Let me know if you don't have anyone to translate it for you (for free) and when I get Zoey to translate it for me again I'll let you know. I'll also send you a higher resoluton copy of this picture when I get back to the states, but for now I just wanted you to be able to see it. The photo is our family, Dirctor Lu, and Caleb's foster mother. Director Lu said that the pictures would go to the foster families after yesterday, he just wanted to get the photo first.

We've got a full day and I've got to get packed up for our move on to Guangzhou. I was so glad to be able to deliver the albums for you ~ Director Lu was so pleased! I'll be in touch again soon!
Kristi, back to this whole ladybug picture thing. As most of you know, I love ladybugs (hence my blog name...) and today, I had 2 little ladybugs on my side window. One flew off and the other rode the entire way from our house to Scottville...that's like 10 miles! How cool was that? Right now it's warm here and there are tons of bugs and tons of ladybugs. I just got the feeling today that Julia's foster mom was getting to see the new pictures of Julia. I got a sense of peace, that she knows that Julia (or as she knew her Yin Gui!) was ok and well taken care of. I've been on Cloud 9 all damned day! :-) What a great feeling!!


Mom to 5...Daughter of the King said...

What a gorgeous fall ya'll are having!

Dawn said...

Such beautiful pictures (well ok, NOT the rat, but you know what I mean)

It is just so exciting to think that Julia's foster family can see how much she is loved now! What a blessings!

Jess Danielson said...

Truely a great gift!!! It is wonderful that Julia and Issac's foster family's and the SWI know that when they leave them they are happy and safe! (and ummm spoiled rotten!-LOL)
And what is it with my son-he makes such a goofy face everytime Ju poses with him for a pic. Someday when they go to prom I will show him how silly he was-LOL