Thursday, November 6, 2008


So, I'm at the grocery store today. Making my way through the produce when WHAM! I hit the edge of the nut display and 2 cereal boxes shoot off the bottom of my cart. Uhhh...ok. Hopefully the cute guy stocking lettuce DOESN'T NOTICE, but of course HE DOES. He politely laughs and jokes. Little does he know I was looking at him when I ran into the nuts. LOL! So, we laugh about the set up of the display and I go about my shopping. I head to the deli when I realize that I have to go back over to the lettuce because that was the way I was headed when I go side-tracked by the hottie's hotness. (And I think I was trying to read his nametag! LOL!) I sheepishly make my way back to his side of the produce and have to make small talk AGAIN. Such a shame, NOT! Anyways, he joked about me forgetting to get what I came for. Ugh. At least he didn't call me Ma'am. His name was Jon H. by the way.... ;-)


Dawn said...

ROFLOL!!!! Oh girl you were SOOOOO busted!!!

Melissa said...

Hey...if we get bored we can go to Meijer's and look for him! LOL!

Our 7 Blessings from God said...

I'm laughing so hard I almost spit my diet coke on the keyboard!!!

some how, some way, some day said...

I shop at Meijer. How have I missed Jon H? Is he a day shifter? Maybe off before I can get there after work? Must find out so I can check him out!

Mom to 5...Daughter of the King said...

That is hysterical!! I love you, Melissa. You write so candidly!

Unknown said...

What an odds of that one. Jon H.
Did he look like Jon at all?

JenEffer Vescent said...

Now I don't feel so guilty for getting distracted by someone's hotness, although I've never knocked over produce. I tend to get a little tongue tied is all.

I have in-laws that live in Ludington. I know exactly the store you are talking about. My neice may even have mentioned a cute guy there as well, though I can't remember his name. What a small world.