Thursday, January 8, 2009

...because we are Ladybugs and The Red Thread...

I think we have an infestation of ladybugs or God is REALLY trying to tell us something. Of course, I'm not sure God works with ladybugs as messengers...but if you know me, I believe them to be a sign. :-)


Dawn said...

Your house must be REALLY warm or how in the world are those little buggers surviving up there in the frozen tundra???

For me personally God DID use ladybugs to tell us where EmmaLi was, I'm sure I've told you the story before but YES they can be a sign from God, but they can also just be a pest problem! LOL

I'm such a help aren't I?!

Mom to 5...Daughter of the King said...

It's amazing you are still seeing ladybugs. I've never seen them in the winter.

Our 7 Blessings from God said...

God must be sending you a sign. How on earth are the ladybugs surviving your cold weather???

Jess Danielson said...

Another reason for me to come visit you!! LOL You could catch on and bring it to my house!! LOL