Wayne and I stopped for gas tonight. I went inside to pee and get a snack. As I was going to pay, Wayne was coming in. He had his receipt in his hand. He walks up to the girl working and said, "I think I just paid .19 cents for gas." She got a horrified look on her face as she look at her pump computer. Yep. Premium gas was .19 cents!!! It was supposed to be $1.99!! Woohoo! Not that it really matters, because Wayne has a gas card for work. But Cal-Chlor only had to pay $4.25 for 21 gallons of gas!
One day recently as we were driving down the interstate the number before the decimal wasn't lit up on a gas billboard and the gas was .79 a gallon (supposed to be 1.79) I contemplated stopping to fill up and arguing false advertising if they charged me the full price. You guys LUCKED out ~ that's amazing!
Yeah, Wayne made sure that he was going to get his gas at that price BEFORE telling her what the deal was. We drove around and looked at the other pumps, none of them showed that anyone (recently) had purchased the premium! Otherwise, I think there would have been a line out the door for it!
That is just so awesome girl!! Now with my luck, I'd be the person BEHIND Wayne so after he told I'd have to pay full price. LOL
Wow- what a deal!! I'd be in line with Dawn though, we'd get there right AFTER the deal:)
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