Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Winter continued...

Trees near our house
Really cool drifts on the roof at that barn

Heading south on Morton Rd south of Deren

Looking east on Meisenheimer from Morton

Orchards in Riverton Township

A snow bank that was as high as the mirror on Wayne's truck!!

Granny and Poppa's porch

The snowplowed path to the garage at Poppa's

A snowmobile trail we drove down in Oceana county, near Jefferson Rd

Snow on trees

More trees covered in snow

Ollie being a goof, he loves to roll in the snow!

So, I'm sure you're wondering why I took a picture of my van tire. Welllll...I couldn't figure out what was making all the racket while driving yesterday. Um, see all that snow and ice in the wheel well? It was rubbing on the tire and making the noise! DUH! Man, do I feel stupid! LOL!

Cabin Fever getting the best of the girls and Wayne

More goofballs
Julia eating an apple while standing on the furnace at Granny's house...hair blowin all around


Mom to 5...Daughter of the King said...

That's amazing! Are the kids out of school?

Melissa said...

Believe it or not, our kids DID have school the next day. But, we're out of snow days! So I think they're holding out for something MAJOR to come instead of this light-fluffy snow.

Kristi said...

So our four inches is nothing to your feet of drifts, but we've sure had fun today! It looks like you guys have had fun with cabin fever!

Dawn said...

oh man girl, there is no way I could take all that snow!! You are a better woman than me that's forsure!!!