Saturday, November 10, 2007

The craft fair

Just wanted to let you loyal followers know that I sold 13 bracelets (gave away 4, 3 to friends of Cameron's and one to my friend Barb!) and made $74.00. And I got an order for one like I was wearing, but didn't have the beads! Wohooo! It's not like I'm going to get rich, but I had a great time and made a little cash. Anna and Samantha had a good time too! :-) I'm so not a good business woman. Every time a friend of Cam's (girls in his grade or class) came by, I had to quick whip a bracelet out for them. Most of them are super sweet and good kids, so I don't mind. Plus, I made points with their moms. LOL! I'd just as soon gave out bracelets to people as they walked by, but I'm not that rich. What a bummer! I joked about donating my earnings and Wayne just rolled his eyes. He asked that I wait til after the holidays. Hahaha! I can guarantee that I will never be wealthy. Giving is too much fun and so rewarding.


Mom to 5...Daughter of the King said...

That's great! I know I give away as much as I sell! LOL

Dawn said...

congratulations!!! You are off to a great start, if nothing else you made enough money to get some more beads!

Anonymous said...

Good job Melissa. I'm the same way in regards to giving vs. selling. Guess thats why I never have yard sales.