Wednesday, November 26, 2008

3 years ago you know where you were?

This is the baby I went to China for...

We were on a plane headed to China! Yep, it's been that long aready. Liz and Brion, Wayne and I boarded a small little plane in Grand Rapids which would take us to the big BIG plane waiting for us in Chicago. Once in Chicago we decided to eat a bite at Quiznos and that's when I think my nerves really started. I remember walking towards the sign that said "Flight 851 to BEIJING"!!! It was really happenening! We were headed to China! Wow!

I will warn you...the next two weeks of posts will probably contain certain memories, pictures and writings from our trip. Each day that we are home, I am still amazed at Julia. Last night, she was upset that I beat her in Memory. I have to REALLY try to beat her, otherwise she'd kick my butt everytime!

Maybe if I get real ambitious I can figure out how to get some of our videos loaded. :-) We have some cute stuff of Julia talking into the play phone. She loves to watch it too!

This is the little girl I get to wake up every morning!


Our 7 Blessings from God said...

I can't wait to see your posts from China. I remember following every step of your journey. The pictures of you holding Ju for the first time made me cry!

Mom to 5...Daughter of the King said...

Who would guessed she could get even more beautiful! She has!