Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Latest pictures of random things....

I've been slacking lately when it comes to new pictures...to be honest, not much has been happening. But here are some that I've taken in the past few days. Enjoy!

Our yard, looking south-east
Our trees in the south yard
Another of the yard, looking north-west and down Morton Rd

The "little brother" statue....he looks cold!

Anna in her favorite outfit.

Anna and me at the Thanksgiving dinner at school earlier today

Anna and Jordan

Me and Cameron

All of us together!
Anna and Cam


Anonymous said...

I hate snow.

Dawn said...

SNOW????? Now that post should have come with a warning...now I need to get come coffee to warm up after seeing that!! YIKES

Mom to 5...Daughter of the King said...

I love the picture of all three of you!